Help Veterans Heal Through Fishing & Hunting
Give veterans a day of hunting or fishing as a gift, and as a thank you for their service.
One Day of Healing
Help veterans heal through recreational therapy by providing a day of fishing or hunting on guided tours.
100% Donated
Make a contribution to our foundation and all proceeds will go towards these life-changing activities.
Support Veterans
Give a gift that helps vets keep up their independence and helps them enjoy life outside of work again.
Check Out the NEW Fins & Feathers Foundation Podcast!
Please join us:
Annual Clay Sporting Shoot
Thursday, September 7th, 2022 – 11 AM EST
Tickets Levels:
- $250 stand sponsor
- $1000 per team of 4 (includes clays, ammo, and lunch)
- $100 lunch only
50/50 Raffle, Door Prizes, Auction & More!
Hunters Creek Club
675 E Sutton Rd
Metamora, MI 48455
Send email to: [email protected]
_____Veterans often suffer from Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder.
Recreational therapy has been found to be beneficial in providing veterans with an opportunity to reflect on their experiences in a safe environment where they can process the pain, anxiety, and grief caused by the trauma they have suffered while serving their country.

Benefits of Recreational Therapy
Recreational therapy addresses problems facing active-duty service members, veterans and their families that stem from combat, such as posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD), depression, anxiety and more. This form of psychotherapy can help with numerous issues by allowing service members to regain a sense of control over their environment while also gaining new skills—such as fishing or hunting.
How Does Fishing & Hunting Help?
Whether it’s fishing in a nearby stream or hunting deer on a nearby farm, there are numerous studies showing that spending time outdoors has an array of health benefits. Providing outdoor exercise and meaningful goals helps increase motivation and improve social skills. Additionally, studies have found that veterans who did not participate in structured outdoor activities like fishing and hunting reported experiencing more pain and fatigue than those who participated.

Help Veterans Overcome Pain and Feelings of Isolation
It can be hard for veterans to find a healthy place in their lives. Every day, they face challenges of navigating daily life that require a lot of energy and concentration. While some days may be better than others, it is important that they focus on finding meaning in their day-to-day lives. Give a veteran a day of hunting or fishing as a gift, and as a thank you for their service.